Well some of my mojo has returned and I was able to make a few cards
the first few are very simple and the last 2 were more indepth, but hay I think things are looking up.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
ok its been a crazy 4 months, we are officialy moved and mostly setteled in, the craftroom is finished except for my table top which i had a garage sale to fund and did make enought money however I really felt I should be buying food for the house instead as my hubbie does work so hard. So that will come soon enough. Baseball is finaly over and school is out so I figured things would get easier right "no" Now we half to deal with the other house and thats more stressfull than buying the new house and moving, so that being said my creative mojo has gone on hiatus. And now high school starts in 2 and a half weeks for my youngest you would think having gone through that twice already i would be ready for it well again"no". I want to say to all of my followers please bare with me I'm sure I will be back to normal as soon as everything calms down. PS I'm still hopin to get a video of the craftroom soon. I just need the house quiet.