Saturday, April 30, 2011


ok I took Paula's suggestion and too the day off and celebrated with William & Kathrine, but now I'm back in my real world and I must craft so today I'm going to look back and see what I've done the last year and set some new goals for my blog.

Last years goals

1. get my craftyness out there for people to see (I think I did that I now have 157 followers and over 5000 visits to my blog).

2. get a video camers and teach my self how to make tutorials (done)

3. this wasn't a goal but I did participate in 2 blog hops.

This years goals

1. Become more profecient in my video making (ie learn to edit them)

2. Make and show more cards for Operation Write Home (very dear to my heart)

3.Teach my self how to add sharing links so I can share files I make.

4. and last but not least get more followers...LOL

Now for a few cards for Operation Write Home, tha deadline for Fathers day is May 21st so thats what I'm working on.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dying Fibers Tutorial

I like to dye my fibers and lace trim to match my projects and it it very easy to do so......

all my fibers were bought at garage sales I payed 4 dollars for all the fibers and lace trip

you see.

I use stampin up reinkers to dye my fibers..
first I cut all my fibers and lace about 2 to 3 feet in lengh

Next I use this muffin pan and add about half a cup of water to each section..

then I add about 6 or 8 or 10 drops of reinker depending on how dark I want my color.
then I start with the largest in size piece of lace and put 1 2 to 3 foot piece in each color
and let it to sit for about half hour to and hour again depending on how dark you want your color.

then I move on te the next biggest piece of fiber and do the same thing

and so remember different fibers soak up the dye differently so you time may not alawys be the same.

I have found that drying your fibers on papertowels pulls out some of your color, so dont do it like I did here I have since started letting them dry on my craftmat

for storage I made a file on my pazzles for ribbon cards

then cut them out on my pazzles

I cut them out of file folders which are stiffer.
punched a hole in the corner and put them on a ring added my dry fibers and here is the final project. I did a bunch of different colors so I would have colors to mach all my stampin up papers and ink. I now have 2 large rings full.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to Celebrate

ok my blogaversary is Friday the 29th and I was wondering how I should celebrate any ideas....
I hear they are having a big party in London... (LOL William & Kates wedding), so leave me a comment on how I should celebrate.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Winners Winners

Drumroll and the winners of Gina & Tisha's Bunny Hop blog candy are... #21 Tristan's Time 4 Craftin' said... wow cool blog and i like yours sign and video see ya Tristan And... # 3 Lillian Child said... LOVE your frugality! Great tips! And those flowers are luscious! I've seen these flowers at Webster's pages and have been drooling over them, not realizing how easy they could be to make myself. Your video tutorial was EXCELLENT. Thank you for sharing with us! And I am already a follower of your delightful blog! Stop by my blog sometime soon and say hello. Congrats to my winners!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gina & Tisha's Bunny Hop

Welcome to Gina & Tisha's bunny hop if you have arrived here from Debbie's at your in the right place. If you happened across my blog and would like to start from the beginning you can start at Tisha's

First of all thank you to our hosts Gina & Tisha and thank you both ever so much for including me I am so honnored to be part of this. Next thank you to Robyn at My Pink Stamper for her sponsorship she is amazing

Now for my 1st project..

Easter Wreath

Everything for this wreath was purchased at my local dollarstore, it was less than 10 dollars for everything to make this Easter Wreath and that includes the wreath base. All flowers were cut off the stems and hot glued in place.

For my 2nd project...

Singed Easter Flowers

These flowers are great for putting on hairclips or headbands, they are great for making broches or dressing up an Easter outfit.

Watch this video to learn how to make these great flowers and how to win my blog candy. ..........Closed........

Must be a follower to win. Must leave a comment here.

now hop on over to and see what great projects are there.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A gift for my Friend

This box is a gift for a very dear friend. My inspiration was when she said she loved chocolate and her favorite color combo was pink & brown and a box tutorial form Drew Scott so I used the DCWV Chocolate stack. The pictures do not do the project justice, it really turned out nice. The feet are stacked buttons and the flowers on top are from Michaels wedding department. The butterflys are done with the Martha Stewart butterfly punch then layered.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Yudu project

My very first project with my new Yudu, shirts for camp-o-ree for my men. They turned out pretty good not perfect but good for my first try. I see alot of shirts in my future.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video for the Starburst Lace Card

This is the Starburst Lace Card all the supplies are in the video with one correction, the stampin up paper is Elegant Eggplant not Dusty Concord that is the ink color. I hope you enjoy this video

Starburst Lace Card

I'm thinking about making a video on this card, leave a comment and let me know if you would like to see one.